Owning Wisdom with Chip Conley & Stephen Kiesling

Spirituality + Health in Midlife and Beyond

Jan 14 - Jan 19, 2025 in Santa Fe, USA
Led by: Chip Conley, Stephen Kiesling, Sarah Byrden, Lee Johnson

Discover How to Achieve “Total Aliveness” in Your Mind, Body, Soul, and Community

When you enter midlife, your primary operating system begins to shift from your ego and your body to your soul.

Yet despite this profound change, none of us are given an explicit operating manual that shows us how to complete the transition successfully – and continue taking good care of our physical selves as well as our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves as we embrace the second half of our lives.

This is a challenge… because with more people than ever disconnected from the faith traditions of their ancestors, this means they may not be able to experience the awe, transcendence, and deep sense of connection they need to feel healthy and whole as they grow older.

That’s why it’s so important to consciously incorporate rituals, beliefs, and healing modalities that enhance all aspects of our wellbeing into our daily lives. When we take care of our spiritual health, we are much more likely to thrive in all aspects of our being.

In this Owning Wisdom workshop co-facilitated with Chip Conley and founder and editor-in-chief of Spirituality and Health magazine Stephen Kiesling, you will explore new spiritual, mental, and physical practices that promote the wellbeing of your body, mind, soul, and community, as well as the nurturing Earth that sustains us.

What You’ll Gain

Through a combination of our MEA Owning Wisdom curriculum and experiential activities that speak to your mind, body, heart, and soul, you will:

  • Gain a newfound appreciation for nature, spirituality, and all things bigger than yourself
  • Explore the intricate interplay of body and soul as we journey through different stages of life
  • Draw wisdom from a multitude of traditions and cultures, including the rich indigenous heritage of New Mexico
  • Enhance your understanding of mindsets and practices that aid in reframing our relationship with aging
  • Contemplate the connection between “whole,” “health,” and “holy”
  • Craft and commit to an action plan for nurturing both your spirituality and your overall well-being in the future
  • Examine the difference between living a regenerative lifestyle versus a traditional retirement
  • Recognize how rejuvenating one's sense of purpose can yield the most significant positive impact on health

By the end of your five days with Chip and Stephen and the MEA faculty, you will have a much deeper appreciation for the inextricable connection between your physical health and your spiritual health.

You will be equipped with powerful spiritual and physical wellbeing practices that help you feel more completely alive in every moment.

Meet Your Faculty

Chip Conley
MEA Co-Founder and Author of Learning to Love Midlife: 12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better with Age

Bestselling Author | Entrepreneur | Innovator | Disruptor | Speaker

A three-time TED speaker on the big stage, Chip Conley is one of the world's leading experts at the intersection of business innovation, psychology and spirituality.

As one of the creators of the boutique hotel movement and the "modern elder" to the young Airbnb founders, Chip's been a disruptor and expert on entrepreneurship and business leadership. He’s a globally-recognized thought leader on the future of work and the competitive advantages of a multi-generational workplace.

Inspired by his experience of intergenerational mentoring as a “modern elder” at Airbnb – where his guidance was instrumental to the company’s extraordinary success – Chip founded MEA and has since dedicated his midlife years to reframing the concept of aging and helping people navigate midlife with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility.

What Chip’s workshop participants have to say...

"Chip Conley reminds us all to savor the wisdom, self-knowledge, and joy that accompanies this time in our lives."

Father Richard Rohr
Bestselling author, speaker and spiritual thought leader

"If we are lucky enough, midlife will find us all, but that doesn’t mean crisis has to accompany it. The brilliant and beloved Conley reminds us that with transition and uncertainty comes possibility. No, our doors are not closed after forty, fifty, sixty: in many ways, they are more open than ever."

Esther Perel
Psychotherapist, author and host of Where Should We Begin

Chip Conley will show you that aging is a superpower, capable of changing you (and our world) for the better.

Arthur C. Brooks
Professor, Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School

Stephen Kiesling

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Spirituality and Health Magazine

Stephen Kiesling is a founder and editor-in-chief of Spirituality & Health magazine. He was the youngest member of the 1980 US Olympic Rowing Team and the oldest competitor at the 2008 Olympic Rowing Trials. A Scholar of the House in philosophy at Yale, he was a founding editor of American Health magazine and a spokesman for Nike Cross Training.

Stephen Kiesling is the author of The Shell Game: Reflections on Rowing and the Pursuit of Excellence and Walking the Plank: A Year Aboard the Pirate Ship Whydah. He has written for the New Yorker and Sports Illustrated, has been featured in the New York Times and Boston Globe, and has appeared on Today and All Things Considered.

A lifelong journalist, Stephen was a Scholar of the House in philosophy at Yale University. His passion is building parks and playgrounds and is current project is a whitewater park and sculpture garden at Ti’lomikh Falls on the Rogue River in Oregon. He grew up in Los Altos, California, with a Zen priest in the basement and the Parapsychology Research Group in the living room and is currently writing No Risk of Enlightenment.

This workshop is for you if...

1. Searching

You’re searching for answers to the big questions about life, the universe, and everything.

2. Yearning
You yearn to experience more awe, wonder, and transcendence in your life.

3. Exploring

You want to explore your own spirituality and create new rituals and practices that feed your soul

4. Wanting

You want to take good care of your body so you feel healthy and strong for years to come.

5. Looking

You’re looking for a deeper sense of connection to others and to the world around you.

6. Searching

You’re searching for a new way to access the eternal or divine because the old ways no longer work.

7. Feeling

You’re feeling disconnected from nature and want to reimmerse yourself in the vast beauty of the world in a breathtaking location.

8. Learning

You want to learn simple daily practices that can reduce stress and anxiety and cultivate lasting joy and gratitude.

Do this powerful work on our beautiful regenerative ranch in Santa Fe

Santa Fe, USA

Rising Circle Ranch

An upscale regenerative ranch featuring traditional Pueblo architecture and spanning nearly 2,600 acres of wildlife, hiking trails in the arroyo, with ancient petroglyphs, and awe-inspiring beauty. Close to historic Santa Fe, an artisan’s mecca.

  • Big-sky desert country
  • Breathtaking nature
  • Interaction with horses and donkeys
  • Evenings around the campfire
  • Star-gazing

Meet Your MEA Facilitators

In addition to the powerful sessions conducted by Chip and Stephen, you will be guided through the core MEA Owning Wisdom curriculum by our seasoned faculty members: 

Sarah Byrden

Experience Facilitator

Sarah has been an experiential educator in wilderness, international, somatic and soul landscapes for over 21 years, and is a two time TEDx presenter and carrying over 2,500 hours of formal training in western and non-western healing modalities. Sarah has worked with thousands of students, ages 13-80, from Indonesia to the Himalayas, Coast to Coast in the United States, from college campuses to remote retreat settings, from remote jungles to deserts to mountains. She founded The Elemental Self in 2012 as a bastion of soul-centered work and is a tried, true and trusted master of her craft.

Sarah helps her students connect to the deeper truth and source in themselves so that they can live their lives as agents of change and creation in our world. She helps her students claim more agency, honesty and congruence, in their purpose, relationships and expressions.

Lee Johnson

Land, Livestock, and Mindfulness

Lee likes to say that he’s as ordinary as dirt but as complex as soil. He’s resident “cowboy sage” at our campus in Santa Fe, where his love for the simple yet complex hum of nature has led him to work in holistic land management. As steward of our four-square mile regenerative ranch, Lee translates nature’s teachings into simple insights that encourage us to tune into the inner and outer landscape of the world around us.

You will appreciate the opportunity to be in his presence and slow down, listen to nature, and gather around the campfire of shared understanding.

Exploring the Mysteries of Life and Experiencing Awe and Curiosity Is What Helps You Feel Fully Alive.

It’s time to discover the proven tools, rituals, and practices that will help you integrate spirituality into your life while also caring for your 'rental vehicle' – your body – so you can thrive more fully in all aspects of your life.

Are You Ready to Explore Your Spirituality in a More Profound and Impact-Driven Way?

People Come for the Workshops,
But They Stay for the Community

This is truly MEA’s “secret sauce” and something you can only experience in person: the powerful connections you will make, not only with your fellow participants and the incredible MEA faculty, but also the deeper sense of connection you will feel to your own inner self and the natural world around you.

Research into aging shows that your relationships play a HUGE role in your health and longevity. At MEA, you'll make deep and lasting connections, becoming part of a larger community that will make your life richer and more meaningful.

Our alumni cohorts stay in close touch after their workshop and we have a growing number of local alumni chapters all over the world.

It’s a joy for us to see them continuing to offer each other community, friendship, and support as they create thriving midlives for themselves. So if you have been feeling at all disconnected or isolated on your journey, we would love to have you join us!

Have we mentioned the food?

The MEA experience was designed by Chip Conley, a world-renowned boutique hotelier, and from the first bite you will taste the difference.

All of the ingredients are locally sourced and organic, and the food is made from scratch in our kitchens by incredible chefs.

The delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners will leave you feeling nourished inside and out – not to mention blended drinks made with fresh fruit and other top-shelf ingredients.

Each retreat center has multiple kitchens that always have snacks and beverages available. At MEA, we believe that thriving is delicious!

Your Workshop Includes

  • 5 days and nights of lodging at our boutique luxury retreat center in Baja or Santa Fe with all of your meals, snacks, drinks and other amenities included
  • Daily sessions and experiential activities to help you connect with your inner self, envision your desired experience, and release what no longer serves you
  • Meditation covering a range of practices to soothe your nervous system and help you cultivate greater mindfulness and presence in the moment.
  • Movement to get the energy flowing and build your strength and agility as you chart your course forward to the life you want to live.
  • Incredible bonding experiences with the most amazing humans you’ll ever meet.
  • Three delicious, chef-prepared meals plus snacks throughout the day prepared from scratch with the freshest local ingredients.
  • Festive gatherings to cultivate connection and celebrate the joy and beauty of life.

Private Room

Space all to yourself.

$6,000 per person

Shared Room

Meet a new pal.

$4,500 per person

All of our workshops are limited to a maximum of 25 participants and spots tend to fill up fast.

If you’re interested in attending a particular workshop, secure your spot by enrolling today or booking a call with our admissions team to learn more.