In doing research for his writing on the Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell coined a term that I love, “etymythology”: the discovery of truth found through one’s personal stories. Given that I’m a word nerd who appreciates etymology (the origin of words and how they developed), I deeply appreciated the Joe C’s word play around the origin of our personal narratives and how they developed. And, as Richard Rohr suggests, sometimes these stories are meant to be stripped away.
In 2021, I wrote a blog post about the value of diving down to the 3rd Vault past the 1st Vault of facts and the 2nd Vault of stories. When we move beyond our stories, we understand what’s lurking in our subconscious and we see how some of our archetypal beliefs and some of our wounding leads us to be the passion puppet being controlled by the marionette.
If you want to explore your etymythology, join us for my “Learning to Love Midlife” workshop in Baja July 15-20. We’ll explore the 12 reasons why life gets better with age as well as how – as we get older – we’re able to cut the strings of the marionette so that we’re less controlled by our subconscious. Look forward to seeing you on the beach.