Adiós, Todos Santos.

This is a fitting title for this guest post from Sean as we officially closed the Modern Elder Academy for five weeks starting today as our 50th cohort said goodbye to our remote beachfront Baja campus.

When in earnest
I begin to die,
bring me here.
Plant a chair
in the sand,
sit me down,
face to the sun.

Surround me
with my people
and a private chef.
Don’t forget snacks:
Guac and chips,
Oreos soft with sea air,
cervezas and limes,
Mexican cokes.

Bring the Frisbee,
Kadima and cribbage,
boogie boards and a boombox,
my favorite hat and a blanket.
If all goes well,
we’ll stay all day.
We’ll outlive the sun,
and marvel at the moon.

When the highest tide rolls in,
the final wave swells and crests,
as I take my last and deepest breaths,
hold my hand, squeeze it tight.
Then let me go, let me float away.
Pockets full of precious shells,
my memories and all I’ve loved.

Sean O’Connor is a brand strategist, writer, voice actor, yoga teacher and freshly minted MEA Alum (otherwise known to his compadres as “Empathetic Archer”).

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