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“Aren’t You Spent? No, I’m Invested.”

“Aren’t you spent?” I was recently asked after co-leading an intense MEA workshop week. Without thinking, my answer rolled off my tongue, “No, I’m invested.”

To be honest, I’m more spent by a night of cocktail party small talk than a week of deep, rich conversation and soul-baring. A week of leading a group is less “small talk,” and more “big listen.”

And, in that listening, I am providing or endowing others (an alternative definition of “invest”) with the inspiration and practical tools to transform their lives in the company of a workshop cohort of people they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. American entrepreneur Robert Arnott says, “In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” He’s talking about financial investing, but this quote could just as easily be applied to our investments in each other.

Long ago, I received this advice from my mentor in a summer job, “Beware of what profession and company you choose for work. The culture will rub off on you, and you will either become a better or a worse person.” While my work as an MEA facilitator does tax my schedule and energy, I love the person I am becoming as a result of this work. And I love the investment I’m making in all of you who’ve invested your time and money to become an MEA graduate.

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