Fervor over Sperber.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about one of my co-founders, Jeff Hamaoui, after he wrote a post, The Carpenter and the Gardener, dedicated to me and our third co-founder Christine Sperber.

Now, I’m going to offer a few words to Christine, especially as I venture back to the United States today, curious and fearful of what I may find there after nearly six months in Baja. I don’t think I’ve been anywhere for a half-year, uninterrupted, since high school.

My dear Christine, you are a Power Bar and a mezcal shot. You make Baja boho. You are a badass and a big heart. You get high (9,600 feet in the Rocky Mountains) during the summer, and you get low (sea level in Pescadero) for the rest of the year. Remember, be careful in Breckenridge. You don’t want to “digest your own muscle” (your words, not mine….LOL).

In a 1997 Snowboarder magazine profile, you talked about “hiking the whales” on the ski slopes. I still don’t know what the heck that is, CKS! The only whales we care about are here in Baja! We have front row seats to the whale superhighway, full of breaching delight from October to March.

Here’s another excerpt from that profile. “If you were going on a trip and could only take five things with you (other than a change of clothes and your snowboard), what would those things be?” “A Bukowski book, Patsy Kline’s box set, my dog, my toothbrush, Marvin Gaye’s Greatest Hits.” That says it all. Of course, I hope this was before you met Josh. I’m sure he’d be on the top of the list now.

All rambling aside, I love that we’re verging on ten years of craziness together. When I think of you, a question pops into my feeble brain, “Is life a stressful sprint or a meaningful marathon?” We both love sprinting, but then we take on passions that are better fit for a marathon. I’ll share some wisdom recently given to me by one of our MEA alums, “Live for the moment and have faith in the future.” You embody that spirit, and it’s why I will always have “fervor over Sperber!” It’s no surprise that your favorite verb is “to swerve.”

I’ll swerve…and serve…with you anywhere, baby! See you back here in Baja soon.

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