In a world that’s changing faster than ever, our mindsets need to evolve faster as well.
What are three things you need to “unlearn” in the next year to prepare you to “relearn” in our rapidly changing landscape? If you’re struggling, think of a mindset or belief that feels like an obstacle toward your growth.
Here are my three:
1. I need to unlearn how I’ve seen myself as a parent to my two sons, who will be teenagers in the next few years. I want to relearn what it means to be a more active father in their lives.
2. I need to unlearn how I’ve seen myself as a technophobe. I want to relearn how I can use artificial intelligence as a practical tool in my writing/entrepreneurship toolbox.
3. I need to unlearn my definition of success for MEA, which has often been fueled by growth. I want to relearn how I measure my life based on the individual transformations I have witnessed in the MEA community.