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The Wisdom Gap: What is the Value of Common Sense?

At the turn of the century, my academic friends Jeffrey Pfeffer and Bob Sutton (Stanford Business School) wrote a book, "The Knowing-Doing Gap," which chronicled why there are so many gaps between what companies know they should do and what they actually do. Their terrific book was about turning knowledge into action.

Given how quickly technology is evolving, I think it’s time someone wrote a book called “The Wisdom Gap: What is the Value of Common Sense?” In an era of artificial intelligence, fake news, and influencer culture, we need to refine our “B.S. meter.” Where’s our truth-teller Walter Cronkite when you need him?!

The scope and speed of what’s coming at us, from climate change to global financial fragility to information overload, is staggering. It’s hard for our brains to keep up. It’s time to trust our gut, give our mind (and ChatGPT) a rest, and learn to get reacquainted with our wisdom center, the solar plexus.

When I asked ChatGPT for a few ways to open my solar plexus, here’s what they suggested: deep breathing exercises, yoga and movement, meditation and mindfulness, self-care and emotional well-being, and energy healing modalities like Reiki which our MEA Baja massage therapist Hesed Nàjera offers.

On the other hand, my ChipGUT (me!) suggests a few different ways to tap into your gut instinct: take an awe-walk and see what nature has to teach you, create an instinct inventory for a month, jotting down every gut idea that emerges, ask your intuition a question at bedtime and see what dreams appear, draw or right with your non-dominant hand, or hang out with our MEA Baja shaman Saul Kuperstein.

If all of this sounds interesting (and speaks to your gut), I heartily recommend former banking CEO, Esalen Institute Board member, and all-around good guy Bill Donius’ upcoming MEA Baja workshop, Disrupting Traditional Leadership by Unlocking Your Inner Genius, May 28 – June 4. It’s a perfect opportunity to explore alternative ways of seeing the world.

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