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“What is it About This Place?”

My co-founders, Christine and Jeff, and I frequently get asked this question when people make the MEA pilgrimage to our coastal “calle sin nombre” at the end of a bumpy, dusty road. The terrain often makes them a little suspicious.

By all accounts, it is pretty unusual to have an ocean, farmland, tropical forests, desert, and mountains weaving a miraculous natural tapestry. Something immediately feels different, and it’s hard to put your finger on it.

And, yes, Todos Santos, just to the north of our Pescadero location, is known as a “pueblo magico,” a magical Mexican town with a combination of galleries and spectacular restaurants. Much like San Sebastian in Spain or the Amalfi coast in Italy, we have more great cuisine per capita than just about anywhere else I’ve visited. I’ve started calling our coastal region of three towns (the third town being Cerritos) “Costa del Sabor” because we have so many global flavors here. MEA alum and travel aficionado Ben Pundole, a better storyteller than me, writes about this area in a recent post on his popular “A Hotel Life” website.

Of course, I have my own theory which I talk about in this video. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I think one of the energetic reasons people fall in love with this place is because we’re located directly on top of the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic of Cancer is the most northerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the Sun can be directly overhead, which occurs today on the June solstice. It is one of the five major circles of latitude dividing the Earth (the others are the Tropic of Capricorn, the Equator, the Arctic Circle, and the Antarctic Circle). Like Kauai, there are other special places that can also claim to be on or very close to the Tropic of Cancer. Our shaman Saul says the spiritual wifi here is better than anywhere else he’s ever been.

Whether this makes our quiet neighborhood an “energy vortex” or not is clearly above my paygrade. I’m no scientist or metaphysicist. However, some of my friends suggest that there are places where energy is either entering into the earth or projecting out of the earth’s plane in uncommon ways: Mount Shasta, Sedona, Bali, Ayers Rock, Glastonbury, and the Great Pyramids. These well-known energy vortexes act as a swirling center of energy, containing more earthly energy than a normal place. One common belief regarding energy vortexes is that they exist at the intersections of ley lines or the random lines of natural energy that make up the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

I suppose the bottom line is this: some things in life are hard to explain—why you fall in love with your partner, why you are so naturally talented at a particular skill, why your spiritual belief system is the way it is. It is hard for me to explain why this place is such an accelerator and manifester of dreams. I just know that it is, and I am grateful to call it home.

For those of you who’ve been here, I’ll ask you the same question: what is it about this place? In this video, I reveal what I think is most special about this area.

P.S. We will reopen for week-long workshops starting after Thanksgiving with the workshop schedule being posted on our website by the end of July. Additionally, we close our Baja campus for August and September this year so, if you want to experience Sabbatical Sessions before October when we reopen, you have just between now and the end of July to join us.

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