Wisdom said
I’ve been seeing it and seeing it and
I’ve learned not to fear it.
I have seen it come
And I have seen it go
Like the river I have seen it stop
And I have seen it flow
I have hidden it and I have shown.
Wisdom said
I have seen seasons
And ten thousand reasons
I have seen an ocean of pain
And tears to fill a year with rain
I’ve blown through joy like a hurricane
I have seen incredible things
Like strangers become beloved, become kin.
Wisdom said
I have seen all of these things
I have listened well within
Sown seeds with ineffable wings
And my soul sits right against my skin
I have paid for my attentions
Turned pain into transcendence
I know what it is to thread a life with love’s intention.
Wisdom says these things and I listen
Wisdom says these things
But to my knowledge
I have yet to let them in.
Jeff Hamaoui is a co-founder of MEA and Regen Communities, the Chief Education and Innovation Officer and an entrepreneur, sage, wit, and poet.
P.S. If you want to explore the topic of Wisdom in more depth, check out my (Chip) “Owning Wisdom” in Baja April 22-27. Jeff’s leading a variety of workshops in Baja and Santa Fe the first half of this year.