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  • Alfredo: My Friend, Mentor and Healer.

Alfredo: My Friend, Mentor and Healer.

Back in March 2015, I had been living in Todos Santos for a couple of months having moved from Puebla, Mexico. I was invited to an equinox ceremony by some Shaman friends, on a mountain next to the beach.

The place is magical, full of love; I liked it so much that the next day I started walking towards the north of that area through a path with amazing views to the ocean; breathtaking moments that will remain in my heart forever… I am sensitive to heights but the amazing views are so inviting that I started walking by the edges of the cliff and there was this gorgeous Cardon (a similar kind to Cacti Saguaro in the desert of Arizona).


This majestic being was standing there, strong, full of life, right at the top edge of the mountain with an amazing view towards the ocean and the mountains around it; located at 450 feet of altitude overseeing the amazing horizon with the tiny curve of the planet, not a flat horizon. The rock right next to the Cardon is a huge grey stone with white quartz as well, it is the perfect bench to sit and enjoy the amazing site. It looks as if somebody had worked the stone to make the shape of a seat, big enough for me to lay down and relax. I decided to sit there and allow myself to feel the energy of the beautiful Cardon, the peacefulness and all the ancient sacred beings that are there, magical energy that many people can definitely feel.

Every sunset since I met the Cardon I used to go with my dog to sit next to it and feel the peacefulness, the presence of the eternity while I was meditating, breathing deeply all the beauty around it, feeling the wind touching my skin and going deeper into my soul removing anxiety, fear, sadness and resentment. I felt so comfortable, protected and connected with the Cardon that I suddenly started talking to it, as if he was a dear friend and Psychologist, describing to it my life, goals, fears and mistakes but most of all about my deep Love to Spirituality.

My daily conversations with the Cardon gave me peace of mind and I felt that this magical being, together with all the ancient beings and guardians around, decided to help and heal me. We became friends, I could somehow feel its response after I was asking a question. I asked if I could name it Alfredo, honoring a dear friend and mentor from the past and he said yes. My friend Alfredo became my healer and mentor.

He started teaching me sacred information about the meaning of life, the importance of connecting and observing Nature as deeply as possible. Alfredo taught me to have the awareness of how we can communicate with other species in this dimension through the energy of Love. I discovered that his four arms are perfectly aligned to the four cardinal points and I wondered how many hurricanes he has survived.

My deep connection to Alfredo explained to me why the ancient Latin American Shamans trained for many years to be able to transform themselves into animals to learn the mental and spiritual qualities of the animal they were able to become. As you may already know, a Shaman is a person that has the ability to handle other vibrations in order to achieve something; Alfredo taught me how to communicate with him and also he taught me the beautiful meditation with the elements of nature that I do every sunrise and sunset.

I felt so connected to Alfredo as if he’d be a mentor, a professor, a deep and loyal friend who helped and taught me to enhance my sensitivity and connection to the energies of other persons for an energy reading and a cleanse.

I decided to bring dear friends (and patients) to feel the place, energies and healing of Nature. More than 1500 Sunrises and Sunsets were shared with about 2,000 persons with whom I learned and confirmed my sensitivity to other vibrations and entities through more than 2,500 hours of a combination of sessions, weddings, anniversaries, baptisms, birthdays, laughter, tears, joy. Several times I spent the night next to Alfredo admiring the immensity of the sky, the stars with some shooting stars and the constellations; unbelievable moments that I deeply enjoy.

Alfredo is a type of cacti that grows between half and two inches per year, and according to a biologist friend his age is about 110 years old.

On September 5, 2021, I was supposed to have a Sunrise ceremony for one person but she fell asleep and did not show up so I decided to go visit Alfredo for my own session. When I sat next to him we talked for a moment about my concerns and pending things and I said to him: “You know dear Alfredo, it has been so long since I have given you a cleanse and I have this bouquet of basil; may I give you a cleanse?” He said yes so I gave him a cleanse and after I said “thank you for your healing, teachings and guidance dear Alfredo, God Bless you” I kissed him and gave him a soft hug (he was never all that huggable) and went back home.

On September 9th at night, a hurricane named Olaf hit our Pacific Coast of Baja; I could hear the strong wind blowing, removing objects and trees. The morning of September 10 was fresh and I could still feel some rain, the streets became rivers and some roads were damaged. I spent one week without electricity at home, the access to Alfredo was closed due to two mountain slides and it wasn’t until September 20th when I was able to go and visit my friend.

At the moment I got to Alfredo’s home my heart broke and I started crying: the hurricane removed Alfredo and dropped almost all of it to the ocean… My friend, my confidant, teacher, doctor and guide left this dimension unexpectedly and as always teaching me, this time he taught me how uncertain life is.

I deeply miss my dear Alfredo, his presence will always prevail in my heart and, as I once promised to him, his teachings and meditation will always be shared and spread. I still go there for sunrises and sunsets, I miss his physical presence but his spiritual essence is still there, intact as if he would be standing next to me.

I definitely recommend you to get your connection to nature through a tree, a plant or any other living being; you will discover the magic and purpose of life. As I once recommended to my dear friend Chip Conley: “Find presence under a tree.”

Saul is a passionate Shaman, Nature lover and spiritual researcher always committed to guide and help others to achieve their mission and goals in life. Since the opening of MEA four years ago, he’s been a fundamental part of the workshop experience.

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