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Are You a Bug on the Windshield of Life?

In Texas last week, I heard all kinds of truisms in the form of country songs. My friend Susan introduced me to a song that is paraphrased in today’s blog post’s title.

Are you a participant or a spectator of life? Do you ride your age like a trusty horse or do you flagellate your partner (your body) such that it lays down in silent contempt? Are you a self-licking ice cream cone or do you share your rewards (and sweets) with others?

It’s easy to feel like that bug that got captured by the windshield. Midlife is often associated with feeling victimized personally while staring through the windshield to see everyone else doing so well. The words I often hear associated with midlife are bored, stuck, disenchanted, and restless. Where are curious, free, excited, and vibrant? Don’t compare your dark insides with everyone else’s shiny outsides. If that’s how you’re feeling, disconnect from social media. More social, less media. 

You’re not a bug. And, life is not a windshield. You have much more agency than you think. Stop being the bug. It’s time to be the driver. 


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