At what age did you “come into your own”? For many of us, just as we got comfortable in our own skin, it started to sag….and we’re okay with that because of all the other benefits.
In general, stories about old age tend to boil down to two templates: forever young vs. old age is dung. In the first template, as outlined in this recent thoughtful People magazine essay (I know: “thoughtful” and “People magazine” don’t usually appear in the same sentence), the writer/author expands upon the premise that modern life and medicine can help us stay young forever and that some things – like emotional intelligence and orgasms – get better with age. The second POV, as exemplified by this letter to the UK Telegraph (and the enthusiastic response), suggests that getting older offers nothing to celebrate.
Which narrative do you relate to? Is aging a blessing or a curse? Or both?
P.S. I’m thrilled that my good friend Maria Shriver will be joining me in San Francisco on April 14 at the Great American Music Hall to talk about her new book “I AM MARIA.” We’ll have a book signing and fireside chat as well as the opportunity to go out to dinner with me and Maria. You can learn more about that HERE. Sign up soon.