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Beauty Unfolding…At Any Age

* Chip’s Note: I love this story which shows the power of connection, both to oneself and to others. *

Karen and Paula met at the MEA Alumni event in Santa Fe in May, 2024.  They happily discovered they were neighbors in downtown Mountain View, California.  Although they participated in separate MEA cohorts, they quickly slid into “the third vault” with each other.  As we enter 2025, they’re now on an exciting midlife adventure together.

Paula’s story:

I was nearing the end of my Santa Fe Workshop (“Stewarding Midlife & Beyond:  Nature, Ritual, Creativity”) when Christine Sperber gave us some parting words.  The words that resonated were some version of “keep playing games you know you won’t win.” For me, these words urged me to go beyond my comfort zone.  Weeks later, I was invited to pose for a photography exhibit featuring women over 60.  The photographer, Bob Berg, is working on a project that will be a gallery exhibit and coffee table book.  The catch is that I had to pose completely unclothed – something I never imagined I would have the courage to do.  But Christine’s words popped into my head.  And I said yes.

When I shared my plan of doing the photo shoot with my new MEA friend, Karen, she was not only completely supportive, she said she’d love to pose too!  Karen is a long-time fan of “Improv Wisdom,” and her “Yes, and …” attitude is contagious.  Her enthusiasm gave me additional positive energy as I headed into this new adventure a few days later.

Upon arriving at the Sonoma studio for my session, Bob immediately put me at ease.  He and I spoke about women and our relationships to our bodies as we age. I shared with him my own philosophy of gratitude toward my body, and how I cherish the ways it can move and carry me to many beautiful places.  He exclaimed, “You are my poster child for this project!”

The photo shoot was so respectful and affirming because Bob is a true professional and artist. His studio is warm and inviting, and he played some great music during our session. He asked thought-provoking questions, like “What is your power pose?” and “What is your favorite body part?” The hour-long experience went by in the blink of an eye. Weeks later, Bob shared the images he identified as exhibit worthy. I was proud of how they turned out. I’m a 62 year old woman who has grown and birthed two humans, and have been around the block a time or two.  My body has carried me up mountains, through oceans, across the dance floor and on streets and trails around the world. I embrace my salt and pepper hair and my wrinkles. They are outward evidence of the years and experiences that have given me the wisdom, serenity and gratitude that I carry in my heart.

Karen’s story:

My session with Bob was exhilarating! I had no idea how much fun it could be to bare my complete self to an artist. At one point during our session, Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic” floated out of the speakers, and I lifted my hands over my head and started dancing. I feel honored to be a part of this project. And also deeply grateful to have captured these images of my strong, flexible, curvy body in its midlife prime. 

After I received my digital images from Bob, Paula and I got together on a warm fall afternoon on my porch. We passed our phones to each other, and carefully scrolled through the black and white images of our bodies. Without self-consciousness, we complimented each other on the portraits, noticing the detail, shadowing and beauty which Bob had captured.

Until recently, both of us had kept our “midlife modeling” adventure largely to ourselves; it felt empowering to hold the experience like a kernel of boldness inside, feeling a mixture of pride and delight. Bob sent me a print of one of my favorite images, and I framed it and placed it where I could see it every morning.  I look at it and smile, and silently compliment “You go, girl!”

A few days ago, I hosted a party to celebrate my 65th birthday, and my guests were friends and family of all ages. When asked to explain how Paula and I knew each other, we felt inspired to share our story and images with a few of the guests. We were blown away by the encouraging and warm responses. We decided it might be time to share more widely.

I cracked up reading Paula’s birthday card, which she signed “Naked Sisters Forever!”  

We are excited to see what happens next with Bob’s project and our portraits.  His artist’s statement captures his intent: 

“Beauty changes, it doesn’t go away. As we age, our bodies reflect our growth and maturity, they don’t diminish, not in the greater sense, in fact, they show beauty in so many ways, from the curve of a hip, the line of a shoulder, and even the wrinkles and folds. Our bodies have carried us our entire lives, so a slip here, a sag there, is really a remarkable story, one of beauty and grace. It’s a wonderful thing. To be grateful and accepting of what we have is strength and empowerment. That is the point of this project: Beauty Unfolding.” 

And so a new chapter begins, with a game we’ve never played before, as sisters who say  “Yes, And…”

Paula is a retired women’s healthcare professional who is now providing conflict resolution services with a specialization in helping families navigate difficult end of life issues. And, Karen works in the worlds of education and contemplation. 

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