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Can’t Keep This Secret Any Longer.

For the past year, we’ve been pondering how we could take what we’ve created here in southern Baja and scale it within the U.S. as a means of catalyzing a new kind of community for the 21st-century. The message we’ve received from our 1,000 alums from 24 countries has been, “Please do this sooner rather than later as Covid has taught how much we’d like to be part of a community dedicated to regeneration and wisdom.”

Two months ago, we closed escrow on 2,566 acres just outside of Santa Fe to create our first U.S. MEA Regenerative Community. The video below captures the cold day in early January when the four of us MEA operating partners (me plus Christine Sperber, Jeff Hamaoui, and Skylar Skikos) married the sands of Baja with the soil of New Mexico. And, just as we finished this little ritual under a gigantic cottonwood tree, we walked up the hill to be greeted by some of the horses that grace this enchanted land. Will keep you updated on this as we’re in the community engagement process and don’t expect anything to open before early 2023.

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