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  • Five Ideas or Acts That Perpetuate Your Own Ageism.

Five Ideas or Acts That Perpetuate Your Own Ageism.

Our greatest ageism foe is often ourselves. How many of these statements or actions apply to you and may even seem perfectly normal but likely make you feel shameful about your age? And then think about the counter-response that accompanies that statement.

1. You take pride in saying you’ll be “forever young.”
Counter response: In reality, you know you won’t. What are you pretending not to know?

2. You describe minor forgetfulness as a “senior moment.”
Counter response: Yes, memory fades with time, but holistic thinking improves. Do we criticize adolescents for “junior moments?”

3. You purchase “anti-aging” products or services.
Counter response: My favorite female ageism activists say anti-aging is camouflage for anti-woman.

4. You lie about your age, especially on online dating sites or in job interviews.
Counter response: If you find a partner or employer who is gullible (or forgiving) enough to date or hire a liar, good fortune is shining on you.

5. You resent younger people for having all the fun.
Counter response: If you’ve lost the ability to conjure up some levity, it’s time for you to visit us at MEA.

Yes, ageism exists beyond our minds and bodies, but it becomes codified in society when we play along with this masquerade. French novelist André Malraux wrote, “Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” Act your age, don’t hide it.

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