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How To Be a Good Ancestor.

Two weeks before my father died, he called my mother over to him and asked her to bring a pen and paper. She later described his state at that time as being somewhere between this world and the next.

This was an important piece of information because my father, a man whose primary identity was as a devoted physician, was not one to be silly. You wouldn’t find him on the floor playing with his grandchildren for example. He looked forward to when they grew up so he could have deep conversations with them and teach them things. It was no surprise he was intense—he came to the United States with his family in 1938, having escaped the Holocaust.

The missive he dictated was a stream of consciousness. As my father teetered between this world and what’s next, he moved on from the planning we all do—wills and other practical matters—to the essence of what he wanted to teach as an ancestor to future generations. He didn’t know it at the time but what he dictated became his ethical will.

According to most scholars, the tradition of ethical wills dates back to biblical times yet far too few of us know about them. An ethical will is not about designating material objects after you’ve died but rather, about how to live. These letters enable our values, the best of who we are or who we strive to be, to live on. The value of an ethical will cannot be overstated and the ability to create one is available to all of us. Allow yourself the time to sit at the feet of your life and reflect. Then create whatever format best represents you. As you’ll see in the case of my father, most take the form of a letter for loved ones.

My Dear Grandchildren,

The world is a wonderful place. The sun rises in the morning and shines on the flowers, the plants, and the people, especially the little people. It gives them strength and joy. The warm sun is God’s love.

Your Opa shared some of these wonders with you. We went hiking, fishing and boating, read stories, hugged and kissed. Your Opa loved you all very much and wanted to share many more things with you. But some of us don’t live as long as others. God called for me and said “It’s your time to go.

Although Opa is no longer with you, he’s a part of the sun, rain, flowers, and people. When you close your eyes, you will see him smiling at you and kissing and hugging you and helping you to grow up to be fine men and women who come from a great tradition. A tradition that, after you’ve studied, will prepare you to give more to the world than you take from it.

Follow God’s teachings and everything you touch will be enriched. Your grandparents and parents truly believe in that. It is why we all try to be good Jews. It’s the Jewish tradition.

Things change in the world, some for the better, some for the worse. You must learn to recognize the better and live by it and make it your goal

Someday you will have children of your own. That seems like a long time from now, but children like you are on a grand adventure. You will tell them about me and my message to you and so the story will go on and on. By doing so, you will keep your Opa in your hearts and alive forever.



I am writing this on the morning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. As we enter this beautiful time of year transitioning between summer and fall, there is an opportunity to fall more deeply into what we hope will be the best version of ourselves. It’s a time of change, yes, but thinking of this seasonal shift as a time of renewal is a much more useful and profound mindset. Here are a few questions to help get you started:‍

  • What do you value most? How have your values changed over the course of your life and what are the lessons others can learn from that recognition?
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What would you want your great-great grandchildren to know about you?

You don’t have to be at death’s door to clarify what matters most to you and to sketch out your own ethical will. Particularly in midlife, we are drawn to learn how to unearth our inner wisdom. For now, I invite you to get a cup of tea, find a comfy spot and consider one or more of these questions. Then write a loving missive to those you love and share it, or not. These are the firmament of our legacy.

– Barbara

Barbara Waxman is a veteran guest faculty member for MEA and is a leading life stage expert, leadership coach, and gerontologist. She is part expert coach, caring truth-teller, strategic thought partner, and an accountability advocate, buoying her approach with compassion, honesty, research-based expertise, and a light heart. Her next MEA Baja workshop is February 12-17, 2024, The Consciously Curated Life.

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