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  • Life Begins @ 50 for Kate Moss…and You!

Life Begins @ 50 for Kate Moss…and You!

“Everywhere you look, your contemporaries are reading that James Hollis book, The Middle Passage: from misery to meaning in midlife. You really don’t want to join them – you don’t have time to look for meaning, you can’t even find your keys. It sounds arduous and inconvenient. Unarguably, though, mortality is interesting; time has more consequence when it’s running out. Conflict is dramatic to watch but boring to live; urgency is dramatic to live. You thought you were playing Scrabble, but actually you’re playing Boggle. Which, you have to admit, is the better game.”

Gotta love The Guardian newspaper. Their columnists just let it rip. I was looking forward to journalist Zoe Williams’ take on Kate Moss turning 50 and, quite fortunately, I got to read her lamentations about turning that landmark age, including these words above at the end of the column.

Recently, I had a friend tell me 50 was not only nifty, but it’s when she became a “Swifty” (as in the Taylor-kind) and didn’t care what anyone thought of that. She felt liberated from both what others expected of her, but also from what she expected of herself. Disappointment equals expectations minus reality, so if you reduce your expectations (without reducing your hopes or dreams), you will likely reduce your disappointment. This is one of the life solutions that midlife offers us. 

With that preface, let me remind you that you have just two weeks left to enter the essay contest for “Life Begins @ 50.” If you’re turning between 48-54 this year and are a resident of the U.S. (legal rules require that we limit it to the U.S. – very sorry), you might want to get your hopes – not your expectations – up for winning a free, private birthday workshop (with 7 friends) at MEA’s new Santa Fe campus in 2024. We look forward to seeing you in the Land of Enchantment. And, check out my co-founder Jeff Hamaoui’s “Life Begins @ 50” workshop in Baja April 29-May 4.


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