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  • Our MEA Line-up in Q1 is Full of Gems

Our MEA Line-up in Q1 is Full of Gems

Q1 is peak season in Baja with snowbirds galore making the pilgrimage to our beautiful, blissful beach. Q1 is a sublime experience in Santa Fe with the dusting of an occasional snow, a riot of sunlight, pinon-scented fires with hot chocolate or hot toddies, and the ability to ski nearby before or after the workshop. […]

Q1 is peak season in Baja with snowbirds galore making the pilgrimage to our beautiful, blissful beach. Q1 is a sublime experience in Santa Fe with the dusting of an occasional snow, a riot of sunlight, pinon-scented fires with hot chocolate or hot toddies, and the ability to ski nearby before or after the workshop. Here’s what’s coming up (if you don’t see a workshop during a particular week at one of our campuses, it’s because we have private group retreats during those weeks):

January 6-11 (Baja): Who Am I Now? Clarity and Freedom to Thrive in 2025 What a perfect way to start the year with former founder and CEO and Executive Coach Jill Nykoliation. This one will fill up soon. 

January 6-11 (Santa Fe) Navigating Transitions (Core Workshop; Discounted Price) A great combo of my co-founder Christine Sperber and our lead Santa Fe facilitator Mary Hofstedt.

Jan 14-19 (Santa Fe) Spirituality + Health in Midlife and Beyond I will be leading this deep, soulful workshop with Spirituality + Health magazine editor Steve Kiesling and Qigong master Mingtong Gu.

Jan 20-25 (Santa Fe) Cultivating Purpose (Core Workshop; Discounted Price) Our pillar workshops are a great way to have an introductory experience MEA and Lori Schwanbeck is one of our best facilitators.

Jan 27-Feb 1 (Santa Fe) Discovering the Hero’s Journey in Midlife I look forward to teaching with author Ben Katt as his book “The Way Home” was one of my favorite books of 2024.

Feb 3-8 (Baja) Navigating Transitions (Core Workshop; Discounted Price) MEA has built such a reputation for TQ (Transitional Intelligence) and Barb Tint is one of our most experienced facilitators.

Feb 3-8 (Santa Fe) What Now? Finding Passion & Purpose After An Entrepreneurial Exit I’m excited to lead with well-known executive coach Edward Sullivan. Great for those who are considering exit as well.

Feb 10-15 (Baja) The Power of Friendship This combo of poet Mark Nepo and my co-founder Jeff Hamaoui has produced one of our most popular MEA workshops. Bring a friend to this one.

Feb 10-15 (Santa Fe) Owning (Body) Wisdom My Owning Wisdom workshops always sell out. This one includes a free massage from Molly O’Brien (my fav masseuse) and her colleague. Perfect couples workshop over Valentine’s Day.

Feb 17-22 (Baja) How to “Age Awesome” in Business and Life Tim Parr founded the midlife hipster eyeglass company CADDIS and is co-leading this with my co-founder Christine Sperber. Guaranteed fun!

Feb 17-22 (Santa Fe) “Coming Into Your Own: Reconnecting with Who You Are and What You Want” Sociologist/coach Christine Carter’s workshops sell out and are often our most highly-rated programs.

Feb 24-Mar 1 (Santa Fe) Navigating Transitions (Core Workshop; Discounted Price) I recommend this workshop more than any other as it covers the MEA fundamentals and facilitator Mary Hofstedt is great.

Mar 3-8 (Baja) The Longevity Roadmap: The Secrets of Aging Well Barb Waxman is our longest-serving and most beloved guest faculty member and this new workshop covers a hot topic relevant to all of us.

Mar 3-8 (Santa Fe) Reclaim the Mystical in the Mundane Awarded one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential People in the World, Mirabai Starr is a protégé of Richard Rohr and a transformative teacher.

Mar 10-15 (Baja) Cultivating Purpose (Core Workshop; Discounted Price) My co-founder Jeff Hamaoui only teaches this workshop – his favorite – a couple of times a year so I’d highly recommend this one.

Mar 10-15 (Santa Fe) Follow Your Soul’s Compass Scientist, psychologist, spiritual seeker, and bestselling author Joan Borysenko is a local treasure and she’ll be teaching this with her husband.

Mar 16-19 (Santa Fe) PEAK: Boost Your Company’s Mojo with Maslow My book PEAK has influenced fast-growing companies from Airbnb to Zappos and this three-day workshop is perfect for the busy exec.

Mar 19-22 (Santa Fe) Wisdom at Work: How to Become an Impactful Modern Elder Maybe you ought to come for these two back-to-back three-day workshops as this one helps you to see how to stay relevant.

Mar 17-22 (Baja) Successful but Not Satisfied in Midlife What happens when you pursue and obtain success, but it’s not fulfilling? Join Lisa Taylor and Emree Siaroff to explore creating a new success script.

Mar 24-29 (Baja) Midlife Midwives Circle Emmy-nominated actress Maria Bello is gathering some of her friends like Donna Karan to lead this womens’ pro-aging workshop on how to embrace getting older.

Mar 24-29 (Santa Fe) Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than Yourself “The Soul of Money” author Lynne Twist & Sara Vetter will inspire you to live a life less ordinary.

So many of these workshops are well-suited to share with a friend, spouse, family member, or co-worker so feel free to share this post with others. 


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