Cecily Mak
Cecily Mak is co-founder of Wisdom Ventures and the visionary behind ClearLife. She is a former lawyer and Silicon Valley executive turned writer and podcast host who helps people create undimmed lives full of intention and presence for themselves, free from the stigmas of addiction.
ClearLife was borne from Cecily’s own experience of choosing to stop using alcohol (as well as any other escapist substances) as a dimmer in her life. Although she started her alcohol-free journey as a 30-day experiment, she quickly realized that her life felt so much clearer, richer, and more intentional without the use of substances.
When she started sharing her experiences with others, Cecily discovered that there are many others who are ready to change their relationship with alcohol, pot, overeating, workaholism, and other substances or habits – and who, like her, don’t identify as addicts or resonate with the “12 steps” approach to reframing their relationship with unhealthy forms of escapism. The ClearLife community she has helped create through her podcast, newsletter, and social media channels includes 130,000+ individuals who are interested in creating clearer and more intentional and presence-filled lives for themselves.
Cecily’s upcoming book, UNDIMMED: Awareness Practices to Reclaim Power, Agency, and Freedom from Unwanted Habits, will be published by Flatiron Press (Macmillan) in early 2026.