Tom Pollack

Tom Pollack, PCC, has been coaching individuals through significant life transitions and other issues for over a decade. He has worked with partners in professional organizations and high-level executives at several major corporations on developing new leadership skills, advancing their personal growth, and navigating life transitions. Since 2002, Tom has served as a facilitator of Hudson’s popular LifeForward program as well as the ThirdLaunch and Bold Living After Work programs, helping participants to actively realign their direction and effort to be congruent with their current values, interests, and purpose.

Tom has broad experience in the legal domain spanning the past thirty-five years.  His law background and years of experience combined with his coaching skills provide the ingredients for helping high-profile individuals re-examine their goals for a challenging future. Tom received a B.A. from Brown University in 1965 and a J.D. from New York University School of Law in 1968, where he served as the Articles Editor of the New York University Law Review. He was an adjunct professor of federal criminal trial practice at Loyola University School of Law and lectured extensively on various topics of federal criminal practice. Before retiring from his law firm in 2008, Tom spent most of his professional career as a partner at Irell & Manella LLP, where he specialized in white-collar criminal defense.