Rituals Are Rich.

Graduations, weddings, birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, baby showers, and reunions. We all love rituals. They represent the momentous and profound moments of our lives. Unfortunately, they’ve all but disappeared during the pandemic.

But, like kids who can’t wait for Christmas morning to open their presents, many in the world have tried to reinstate their rituals in the past few months. The result has led to public health horrors.

As the northern hemisphere enters the darkest time of year, much of it in lockdown, perhaps it’s time to create some new healthy rituals. How about a personal winter solstice celebration at sunset today followed by witnessing something that hasn’t been viewable in the sky for 800 years: a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction just after sunset tonight? How about lighting a candle at sunset while offering a prayer or meditation for someone you know in need? How about a ritual Sunday supper on Zoom with your best friend? Or writing letters to old friends? Maybe you could start a new morning journal ritual—15 minutes of unfiltered thoughts?

Yes, big rituals may be hibernating. But with a little creativity and mindfulness, new rituals can emerge. And who’s to say they can’t be just as meaningful and profound.

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