Just as a computer and a phone have an operating system, so does our own awareness. Between dawn and dusk of adulthood, this operating system is the ego (as I outlined in this earlier blog post). It is in late adulthood or early elderhood that we must shift from the operating system of the ego—that once helped us individuate and separate—to the operating system of the soul, which allows us to become at one with ourselves and with something bigger.
It’s almost like we’re being asked, in the middle of our lives, to move from driving a car with an automatic transmission to a stick shift. At the same time, we’re also being asked to drive that stick shift car on the steep hills of San Francisco, while trying not to call attention to our cluelessness. Not easy!
This is why we created MEA, to offer you a place where we can help teach you your new operating system amongst a bunch of other midlife beginners. It’s been encouraging that our “driver’s training” has even been alive and well during our Sabbatical Sessions this fall.
We look forward to even more midlife rituals to provide the cultural crucible for us to learn how to curate and drive the second half of our adulthood.
Can you give your transmission permission to shift into your soul-mission?