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“Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old.”

The title of today’s post comes from a great new book by Steven Petrow with Roseann Foley Henry. I’ve recently become friends with Steven and look forward to having this wise man be part of our MEA community. It encouraged me to make my top ten list of the things I will no longer do as I add a few years to my life.

Here’s my list. I look forward to seeing your list.

  1. No facial construction, as in Botox, chemical peels, FaceXercise or any other artificial means of putting lipstick on a pig.
  2. No more Speedos or tight-fitting t-shirts.
  3. No more meals with people I don’t enjoy or working with people I don’t admire.
  4. No more using social media as “show-off” media.
  5. No more excuses about “I’m too old to ______________.”
  6. No more FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Lots more JOMO (Joy of Missing Out).
  7. No more chasing fame, success, or money. It’s time to “want what I have” and not be so focused on “having what I want.”
  8. No more subtly apologizing for the fact I’m gay.
  9. No more seeing romance and love as a conquest or competition to win.
  10. No more holding back the truth, even if it may be painful, when a friend or family member deserves my unvarnished insight, assuming they’re open to it.

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