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The Humans We Wish We’d Met

"I really believe that age depends on temperament, rather than on time. I know people who are at twenty-six and twenty-seven with the gravity that is around them, the seriousness, the lack of any little bit of spring or wildness in them are really about ninety! I know people of seventy, eighty and even eighty-five years who have the minds of seventeen-year-olds! They never managed to get old at all! For some strange reason, the passionate heart never ages, and if you keep your eros and your passion alive, then in some subtle, inevitable way, you are already in the eternal world." - John O’Donohue

I love preacher/poet/philosopher John O’Donohue and wish I’d met him before he passed three days after he turned 52. So many in the MEA community are fans of his that I wanted to resurface a Krista Tippett “On Being” interview with him called “The Inner Landscape of Beauty” that is soulfully exquisite. By the way, keep an eye on our 2025 workshop calendar in Santa Fe as Krista Tippett will be joining us for a workshop next year. She and I have met a couple of times and both experiences felt magical so be prepared for a lyrical, loving week with her (I’ll make sure to announce it when her workshop is on the website). 

Who’s a modern day human who has passed that you wished you’d been able to meet in person?


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