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  • The Progression from Closed Mind to Quiet Mind.

The Progression from Closed Mind to Quiet Mind.

I find progressions fascinating. It’s probably why I’m obsessed with our life stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middlescence, elderhood. I also love the progressions of the four seasons, which can be a perfect metaphor for life.

Growth in childhood (Spring), Maturation in young adulthood (Summer), Entropy and Reflection in mature adulthood (Fall), and Rebirth in elderhood (Winter).

And, of course, there is nothing as powerful or moving as the progression that comes when our MEA compadres progress through their workshop week in Baja. For Jeff, Christine, and I, it is the highlight of our week. While this progressive journey doesn’t describe everyone, we see a familiar arc of experience in so many who join us—Closed mind, Open mind, Full heart, Discovered soul, Quiet mind. It is truly beautiful to behold this metamorphosis of spirit.

What progressions are you currently discovering?

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