The societal tendency in answering this question is to think of physical things (with the exception of men inexplicably adding the internet to this list)—the kinds of things you’d rush in to save during a home fire. But where are the intangible prized possessions? Your reputation could be a prized possession, or your love for your mate, memories of your favorite vacations, spiritual or religious beliefs.
I think my most prized possession is time, as once you’ve spent it, you can’t get it back. And, as we get older, there’s less of it ahead.
What about you?

– Chip
PS: I’ve been brewing something in collaboration with my friend Jeff Krasno’s Commune and now, it’s time to lift the veil off. I’ve created a course that aims to redefine the journey through midlife and beyond, aptly named ‘Thriving Through Midlife & Beyond’. So, if you’ve ever wondered what midlife and beyond holds for you, this course, I believe, will shower you with ways to approach these years as a time of personal growth and fulfillment.
This course is free for a short time on Commune. Check it out HERE and claim your free pass.