Wisdom Teething

Teething is when teeth first come through a baby's gums. It can be a frustratingly painful time for babies and their parents. Ultimately, these teeth will serve that baby well, but the process of having them slowly break through the moist, soft gums can be agony.

The emergence of wisdom is a lot like teething. Our painful life lessons are the raw material for our future wisdom. And, we learn those lessons in the School of Hard Knocks, often when we’re at the  most tender times of our lives. 

So, the next time you feel like life is throwing you a curveball right in the face, dust yourself off, and accept that you’re teething a little wisdom and, assuming you learn your lesson and are wiser for it, it’ll serve you well in the future.


P.S. I’m honored that the Wall Street Journal featured “Learning to Love Midlife” as one of its 5 best books of 2024 on the subject of Aging and Retirement. 

Discover More Wisdom

March 8, 2020

The question arises: how do we distance ourselves and bring the world closer together? ...

Wisdom in the Time of Coronavirus.
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