How Am I Feeling Halfway Through Nearly 2 Months of Radiation?

Emotional. “Yes, you CAN, SIR!” That was said to me by an immigrant Uber driver on a long drive to see my parents. He wanted to coach me into believing

How Am I Feeling Halfway Through Nearly 2 Months of Radiation?


I learned so much from the group and gained some wisdom nuggets I will never forget; gems like “you make an impact wherever you land” and my favorite from one


Practicing Intimacy.

Perhaps this is the dynamic of spiritual growth: we close enough to heal and are worn open to grow. Perhaps our human flaw is that we close more than is necessary

Practicing Intimacy.

“It’s the Age When Nothing Fits.”

The mother’s lament hints at the awkwardness of adolescence—the way young adults are poised precariously between childhood and maturity, a time when none of their clothes fit anymore.Middlescence is the

“It’s the Age When Nothing Fits.”

Is it Finally Time to Talk About the Third Rail of American Politics: Social Security?

First of all, what’s the problem? Eighty percent of American federal spending growth since 1980 has gone to Social Security and health care (much of it for Medicare). In ten

Is it Finally Time to Talk About the Third Rail of American Politics: Social Security?

How to Avoid Being Boring at 60.

He “vowed to take that big, upsetting number 60 and remake it into something positive” by deciding to do 60 things he’d never done before. Here were his filters for

How to Avoid Being Boring at 60.

The 4 Bridges to Wisdom.

Such simple yet profound guidance highlighting the value of humility, vulnerability, sorrow, and reconciliation. How might you apply one or two of these four short sentences as tools for bridging the

The 4 Bridges to Wisdom.

The Spiritual Value of a Desert.

This exquisite quote articulates why MEA’s two campuses – one in a sea-level peninsula desert (Baja) and one in a high desert at 6,500 feet (Santa Fe) – are located

The Spiritual Value of a Desert.

From Shame to Shine.

By 40, I’d created a rigid identity equation that looked like this: ‍Youngest + Job Title = Jen And then it stopped. Younger folks started coming up all around me. Meanwhile my mid-40s

From Shame to Shine.

The Perfect Gift.

How can we give a gift that truly keeps on giving for years and one that is given out of love, not obligation?This year, I’m giving a gift of books

The Perfect Gift.

To Save or Savor the World? That is the Question.

Why can’t we do both: save and savor? There are so many false dichotomies in the world: good and evil, real and imaginary, extrovert and introvert, optimistic and pessimistic, yin

To Save or Savor the World? That is the Question.

You’ve Been Aging Since You Were Born.

Here’s a recent video of her talking about what gets better with age. Maybe she ought to be teaching at MEA? What a fashionable week that would be!When will we

You’ve Been Aging Since You Were Born.