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My Wisdom Principles & Practices.

In the next decade, we’re going to see a significant surge in the value placed on wisdom. Unlike knowledge, wisdom is one of the key differentiators for humans versus artificial intelligence. With this in mind, I wanted to start capturing my wisdom principles and practices. Of course, this is a work-in-progress so it will evolve with time.

I look forward to your thoughts and would like to thank my MEA co-founders and team for adding their contributions.

1. Life lessons are the raw material for future wisdom.
Practice: Review your life experiences weekly, including how they’ll serve you in the future.

2. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
Practice: Learn active listening and appreciative inquiry to be a “first-class noticer.”

3. Wisdom is not taught, it’s shared.
Practice: Create a container for vulnerable, life-changing conversations.

4. Wisdom is as natural to our soul as is breathing to our body.
Practice: Move your operating system from your ego to your soul, from external to internal.

5. Wisdom is a social good. It’s not the same as being smart or shrewd.
Practice: Invest your compassion into causes and people that deeply matter to you.

6. A wise person is naturally curious.
Practice: Become a “long life learner” who lives a life as deep as it is long.

7. You accumulate knowledge. You distill wisdom.
Practice: Learn how to discern and edit the essential from the distraction.

8. A wise person knows how to “connect the dots.”
Practice: Develop your “crystallized intelligence” to become a holistic thinker.

9. A wise person makes everyone around them better.
Practice: Learn mentorship skills that help create “invisible productivity” on a team.

10. Wisdom is intergenerational.
Practice: Make sure half your friends are at least 10 years older or younger than you.

11. Wisdom creates an alchemical wholeness.
Practice: Become a mixologist of your gravitas & levity, logical & lyrical, doing & being.

12. A wise person focuses on the long term.
Practice: Learn how to become a good ancestor by embodying “I am what survives me.”

13. Wisdom is dedicated to societal oneness.
Practice: Dedicate yourself to “generativity,” seeing all of nature as kin.

14. Wiser person, better human.
Practice: In an era of AI hysteria, bet on human wisdom which is calming and inspiring.

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